
an addendum.

the grocery store by my house doesn't sell powdered buttermilk. it also doesn't sell regular buttermilk. i did get amish country farms organic milk. i did research on the amish and visited lancaster, pennsylvania in 4th or 5th grade. it was for history fair and my project was of the amish sitting around a table, eating shoofly pie and other amish-like things. i guess i was already into food.

on another note, my regular grocery store (the met on 139th and lenox) also does not sell shredded swiss cheese, it seems. i can buy demerara sugar for cheap but not obvious goods. it's quite a trip to the fairway, or any "better" grocery store. harlem is full of unfortunate processed foods. it's so obvious why instances of diabetes are so high here. there was something in the store called meat-o-mat or meat-a-mat. i don't even know what kind of meat it was supposed to look like, but there was no obvious animal.

i've got to make those scones. more on the politics of food later.

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