
new beginnings.

i live in a place where biking is seemingly the best mode of transportation. and i got a bike and a lock and i live in a central location and, well, it's uphill to anywhere from my place.


but i made it to the farmers' market yesterday and came home with sweet corn, basil, sungold tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers (long and small), granny smith apples, and a sprite melon.

what is a sprite melon, you ask? it tastes like a combination between a cantaloupe and a honey dew. it's yellow-white inside and out. cultivated in north carolina. rock.

and farmers cheese. this farmers' market crew was really into letting you taste things. makes a big difference.

so, my first home-cooked dinner was brown jasmine rice with corn, peppers, basil, and tomatoes. yes.

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