we knew it would happen. i went to see food, inc. i mean, isn't that obvious?
it's terrifying. not like the end of food, which i had to read fast because the anxiety it produced was overwhelming. but i wanted to throw up. everything that i have been writing and talking about for years was put onto a movie screen with accompanying visuals of feedlots and dead chickens and iowa. and veggie libel. it's scary out there. (and then, there are things like this image that frighten me, but i cannot truly explain why.)
people, you should watch it. it's so important. it's like all of those books i read all in one place. and here i am, being so self-righteous, writing about high fructose corn syrup and seeds and organic produce like i am some sort of scientist. i do not mean to be insane. mostly, i want to eat food. i know you do too. and it's not the shelf.
food, inc. reminds me that i am not alone in my desire. or neuroses.
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